Farm, Update

We got bees!

About six weeks ago my dad got two nucs. A nuc is generally four frames that are already established. We could have also got a package but then they would take about two weeks to draw out comb and even start producing honey. In a nuc all the bees are related to the queen where as in a package they are not. Anyway the hives are doing really well and today when we did a hive inspection we put the honey super on at least one of the hives. A honey super is a box that you set on the top of the other boxes that the bees will put honey in. They can’t become brood frames because the queen can’t get in these frames so therefore she cannot lay eggs. One of our hives, hive 1, is doing really well it has two boxes that are full of honey, pollen, and eggs. There are 15 frames in this hive and we didn’t need to feed them when we checked on them today. The other hive, hive 2, is bigger with 19 frames in it. They are doing pretty well two but the whole top box is still empty, except for a little bit of comb they have just started to draw out. I am not sure if this one has a honey super on it or not. earlier I mentioned feeding the bees. We use sugar syrup with a 1 to 1 ratio of water to sugar. Overall I think the hives are doing really well and I’m excited to continue with this project.