
Climate Change in recent years

So we all know at this point that our world is Very polluted and, it’s very sad to to think that some people don’t care. Some say that it’s not real but there are facts that global warming and pollution exist. 100,000 sharks die from humans every year. 1,000 turtles die from plastic every year. 5 million animal die do to deforestation every year. The worst part is it’s not like we haven’t thought of solutions, we have but most of the time there a little more difficult or expensive then what we are used to. Lake Victoria in Africa for example, gets filled up from rain that falls directly on it, and because of global warming it’s in danger of drying up. There are animals that live in this lake that only live in one other place in the world. Think about that because we need our plastic bags and water bottles, animals are dying and when an animal goes extinct it’s gone forever. So  I really hope that after reading this post you will make an efforts to stop using plastic.